Horizontal integration may become a strategy for many companies in the next decade, says Chinese agrochemical market expert ...
Filo verde, ahora registrado como 'Bioestimulante vegetal no microbiano' bajo la Reglamento de productos fertilizantes de la UE 2019/1009 (FPR), con marcado CE, es una herramienta clave en la ...
The recognition of Phylgreen's biostimulant properties for enhancing abiotic stress tolerance and drought resistance applies ...
Obtener Planta, a French company pioneering in agri-biotech solutions on a global scale, has announced the launch of EliZon, an innovative new bio-solution designed to enhance the resilience of ...
引出植物是一家在全球范围内率先提供农业生物技术解决方案的法国公司,该公司宣布推出 EliZon,这是一种创新的新型生物解决方案,旨在增强大豆作物对水分胁迫的抵御能力。 该公司已经在 ...
Elicit Plant, a French company pioneering in agri-biotech solutions on a global scale, has announced the launch of EliZon, an ...
As the UK horticultural sector continues to evolve post-Brexit, ...
Zowasel, an agriculture technology company that leverages data science and nature-based solutions to improve farmers’ ...
The UK horticultural market is facing significant challenges related to the over-reliance on synthetic agrochemicals. While ...