On this website are nearly 100 bibliographies. They deal with various important issues, and are largely based on ...
Christians can have just as much trouble as non-Christians in getting their priorities right. We tend to ignore ...
He is well known as an able expositor of Scripture. He was mentored by R. C. Sproul and has taught at Ligonier Ministries, ...
Many have already warned about the Big Brother implications of this bill. Claire Lehmann for example said this in part: ...
The Pope also claimed that everyone is a child of God: “We are all sons and daughters of God.” Um no, wrong again. This too ...
There are many good public schools and public school teachers out there. But many schools and teachers have made ...
On knowing God and self: I make no claim to being a paragon of Christian virtues, including the virtue of humility. So as usual, I am writing a piece like this as much for myself as for anyone else.
What happened back then MUST be seriously addressed and assessed: One of the most shameful, frightening and alarming events ...
Education is a good thing. However, modern Western education is usually anything but real education. It tends to ...
As I have said before, this is a battle between civilisation and barbarism, truth and lies, good and evil. All who support ...
That everything in life, including ourselves, our families, our loves, our relationships, our communities, our cultures and ...