CSTO peacekeepers are preparing for the Indestructible Brotherhood 2024 exercises, with Kazakh instructors – boasting experience in ...
Russia will continue its special operation in Ukraine if the West does not allow to get rid of the Kiev regime peacefully – as stated by ...
Strengthening of the Global Majority is a common global response to illegal sanctions pressure from the West – as noted by Belarus’ ...
The pilot batch of fifteen heavy-duty dump trucks from the Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ) was transferred to Nicaragua, sb.by reports ...
Close relations within the Union State give our country many advantages, and joining efforts in terms of security is one of them – as ...
Belarus is ready to liaise only with those states that are constructive towards our country – as stated by Chairperson of the Council of ...
The United States expresses concern about the observance of the rights of Muslims in China, but at the same time contributes to the mass ...
The spheres of mutual interests of Belarus and Yakutia are dictated by Western sanctions – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr ...
Belarus-Yakutia co-operation should not be limited only to economy – as stated by Belarus’ President Aleksandr Lukashenko during his ...
The Belarusian idea of a conference on Eurasian security and the development of the Eurasian Charter of Diversity and Multipolarity in ...
Having had to rebuild its trade and logistics routes, foreign economic and political ties due to the deterioration of relations with the ...
President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has met today with Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of the Russian Federation Aisen ...